Model estimasi permintaan air minum kemasan oleh masyarakat dan mahasiswa di sekitar kampus
This article tries to prove the function of demand and elasticity of demand for bottled water. A sample of 30 respondents was taken from the population around the Riau University Campus. Interviews were conducted with respondents to determine their perceptions of bottled water's quality and price. To solve the equation, we use the Marshallian demand function with explanatory variables, including bottled water prices, other goods, and the respondent's income. Using a multiple linear regression model, estimate price elasticity, cross-price, and income from water demand. The prices of the goods themselves, other goods, and income significantly influence the quantity of bottled water consumers demand. Although the highest regression coefficient is in the income variable, the calculation shows that the amount of bottled water demanded by consumers is most sensitive to changes in the product's price, where the elasticity value is the highest.
Kata Kunci
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